Saturday, July 30, 2011

HELP ... mama is at it again!

Can you guess what we are???

This is Zoe ...

as Donatello

This is Peyton ...

as Leonardo

This is Webster ...

as Raphael

And this is Liberty ...

as Michelangelo

You guessed it ... we are the
Toddlerpug Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Next Saturday, August 6th,
we are going to the annual KPR
(Kentuckiana Pug Rescue)
500 Festival of Pugs!

Mom still has some work to do on our costumes
but she wanted to know what everyone thinks ...
We're hoping you say they are awful so we won't have to wear them!

Pug Hugs,
Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

Friday, July 8, 2011

* Zoe *

Are dogs jealous of each other???
Absolutely ...

Today is Zoe's Half -Birthday.
She is 3-1/2 years old.
She was so jealous of Peyton
and all of the attention he got yesterday!

Zoe is our precious princess ...
the one who got this whole thing started!
So we thought is was only appropriate
to let her know that we love her.

So we got her a present ...

Zoe loves Greenies more than anything ...

We took her for a walk this evening ... just the three of us.
Then we took a drive around town.
She did get some beef jerky at Casey's.
I just failed to get pictures of these events.

Anyway ... Happy Half-Birthday Princess Zoe LuvPug!
Mom and Dad love you more than you will ever know!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Peyton is 3

Today is my THIRD birthday
Look at the yummy pupcakes mama made.

I love hamburgers! Guess where I got to go ...

Dad even let me order what I wanted ...
there is so much to choose from ... I want it ALL!!!

I got to pay the guy at the window ...

When you come to a T in the road which way do you go?
To the PARK, of course ...

I got a double cheeseburger ...

It was sooooo good ...

After we ate we walked around the park ...
Here I am with Mom and Dad

Mama likes to put me on things for silly pictures ...

Look at how cute I am ...

There were so many trees ...
Mama said it was MY DAY
so I got to pee on as many trees as I wanted!

Are there ALIENS here???

Look at this hill ...

Dad and I ran up the hill ...

Can you see me???

I need to rest ...

You can see the whole park from up here ...

WOW ... I can see McDonald's from here, too ...

Can you see how much my mama loves me?
I love her, too!

Another silly rock ...

I am so excited!!!
Look where we are going now ...

Dad let me order my own ice cream ...

They said it was FREE ...
And they even took MY picture.
WOW ... I felt like a celebrity!

Dairy Queen is my favorite place ...

yummy ... it is sooo good

I could eat this every day ...

I was sure I ordered this size ...

Dad said it was time to go home ...
and open PRESENTS!!!
I got 2 new shirts, treats, Nylabone Edibles,
a bully stick and a Zodiac tag for my collar!

Here is one of my new shirts ...
it says BARK
Mama says I have the cutest bark!

And here is the whole gang ...
Peyton, Webster, Zoe and Liberty

I sure wish birthdays were every day ...
Turning 3 was so much fun!

Love, Peyton 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Please pray for our friend, Lilo ... UPDATED

This is our friend, Lilo!
Over the past couple of months Lilo has been battling
allergies and what eventually became a respiratory infection.
She is currently at the VCA Animal Hospital in Anderson, IN.

Since 2009 - we have been lucky to attend some Kentuckiana
Pug Rescue events in Shepherdsville, KY and Lebanon, IN.
This is where we met Lilo and her mother, Jess.

Lilo has been through so much ...
Please keep her and her family in your prayers!
It would mean a lot to us!

Pug Hugs, Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

... UPDATED ...
At 6:15 this evening Lilo crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
She doesn't have to fight to breathe anymore! Rest in Peace angel!!
Lilo - 7/18/03 - 7/6/11

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Indepugdence Day

We are Patrotic Pugs
Zoe, Liberty, Peyton and Webster

The boys
Webster and Peyton

The girls
Liberty and Zoe

The fawns
Zoe and Peyton

The blacks
Liberty and Webster

The Alphas
Zoe and Webster
(first fawn and first black)

The Omegas
Liberty and Peyton
(second black and second fawn)





One more shot of the girls ...
Zoe and Liberty

Another group shot ...
Are we done, yet????
Webster, Peyton, Zoe and Liberty

Last one ...
If we could, we would put our right paws across our hearts!
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Happy Birthday, America!

Until next time ... Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty