Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Let's party ...

We hope 2012 will be your best year ever!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

Friday, December 30, 2011

So much fun ...

Mama was so proud ...
we were good little pugs when we had company last night!

The girls from were here.

Here is Isabelle, Tallulah and Petunia
with their mama, Allyzabethe

Our mama tried to get a group picture

but that didn't work so we had daddy take a group picture

Petunia, Tallulah, Isabelle, Liberty, Zoe, Peyton & Webster

We hope we got the names in the right order ...
Petunia and Tallulah are sisters from the same litter
They look like twins!

Mama made some lasagna but ...
none of the pawrents wouldn't share with us!
They also had some salad so we all stayed close to dad because
he shared some carrots and red bell peppers with all of us!

We exchanged some presents
but silly mama forgot to take pictures.
We love our new toys - especially the penguin!

Unfortunately they couldn't stay very long ...
they are spending the day in Indianapolis today.
We were happy they came to visit!
And hopefully we will get to spend time with them again!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Resting up for company

Tomorrow is going to be a special day ...
and we are getting some rest so we will be ready!

Liberty and Peyton



Petunia, Tallulah, Isabelle and their mama
included us in their Blogger/Twitter Midwest Holiday Tour!

We are so excited - we can't wait to meet them!

Until next time ... Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa was here ...

This is what we saw when we woke up this morning ...

Zoe & Liberty



Our stockings were overflowing

We have great pawrents and we love each other.
We are so blessed to have so many new friends.
We hope each one of you had a wonderful Christmas, too!

Until next time ... Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Waiting for Santa

We knew something was up ...
Mama already gave us new pajamas
and it wasn't even Christmas.
So we knew we'd be getting more ...





Maybe we will leave milk and cookies for Santa
if we don't eat them first or drink all of the milk
and then we have to go to bed.
Mama said when we wake up Santa will have been here.
We are so excited ... we're not sure we can sleep!

Merry Christmas
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Monday, December 19, 2011

We got mail ...

One day last week Mama left her laptop open
so we got on there and had some fun!
Some of our friends in Indianapolis opened their own online store ....
so we had to go check it out!

All of the "Noms" looked so good ...
and we couldn't decide - so we ordered all of them!
Our package arrived on Saturday
and Mama put it in the refrigerator.
WHAT??? Why can't we have some NOW!?!
Yesterday Dad took the boys for a ride
so Mama got the package out.

Check this out ...

Liberty: Do you think we ordered enough?

Zoe: Not if we have to share with the boys ...

 We have tried them all and if Mama would give us more ...
maybe we could tell you which one(s) we like the best!

Until next time ~ Zoe and Liberty

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Can you believe it ... it is 48 degrees outside
which is great for this time of year!
It is usually colder than this
and sometimes there is even snow on the ground.

But not today!





Peyton, Liberty and Zoe

Webster, Peyton, Zoe and Liberty

We spent most of the afternoon outside.
We're told these days are numbered so we better enjoy it.
Hopefully you are having a nice day, too!

Until next time ... Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Christmas Pajamas

It's tradition - we always get new jammies for Christmas
but it's not Christmas, yet ...

uh-oh ... does this mean we are getting more pajamas???

Until next time ... Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We saw Santa!!!

It was a cold and rainy night
but mama promised we'd go see Santa

Each of us got to tell him what we wanted this year!
We all said we'd like to see all puggies find a forever home.
Santa said he would like that, too,
but he didn't know if he could help us with this wish.

Zoe went first ...
"I asked Santa for some Greenies - they are my favorite!"

Peyton went next ...
"I asked Santa for a new bunny.
I only have two!"

Webster was third ...
"I asked Santa for everything!
Mama kept telling me I have to be good or I won't get anything!
But Santa told me he would bring me something!"

And Liberty was last ...
"I was a little afraid at first.
I told him I would love to have a new bouncy bone.
He promised if I was good I would get one!"

We hope you get to visit Santa!

Until next time ... Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We are grateful 'lil pilgrims ... it has been a wonderful year!

Dad cooked this big bird

Look at this yummy dinner
We got some turkey, stuffing, hard boiled egg,
cranberry sauce, crescent roll and some pumpkin!

Zoe is the perfect model
"I didn't even try to eat it until mama got her picture!"

Look at these yummy cookies mom and dad bought
for us last weekend end!

We hope everyone had a yummy Thanksgiving!

Until next time, Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty