Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pre-Pug Fest Party AND Pug Fest

Fun with some old friends and some new friends ...
from left to right ...
Mia with her mama, Jessica -
Bella with her mama, Vikki -
Ellie with her mama, Cindy -
Zoe with our mama, Ellen
Stewie with his mama, Debra -
Carly with her mama, Chrisse
Foo with her mama, Peta -

Mama bought some cute cupcakes
but she wouldn't share with us!

We won a raffle basket but silly mama forgot to get a picture

We wore our red pajamas to the pawty

Liberty wasn't happy wearing her pj's
so mama didn't get a good picture ...
maybe next time!

After the pawty we went and hung out with
Stewie and Kiki and their mama, Debra.

Then it was time for bed ...

Breakfast wasn't as good on Sunday ...
Mama said we had to eat our kibble because we
all had upset tummies from eating "people" food.
We think she's crazy, but what can we do about it???

Then we got ready and went to Pug Fest

Blessing of the Pugs

We participated in the costume contest
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
We didn't win but mama likes everyone to see how cute we are!

We bought lots of our favorite PITK treats

Here is mama and the PITK crew with some
new friends we met this weekend ...
Payton's pawrents - Christy & Tim -
And Payton's gampy - Steve -
It was wonderful meeting them!

We got some surprises and we will share those with you another time.
Before we knew it ... it was time to go home!
We can't wait until next year's Pug Fest!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pre-Pug Fest

We woke up early and wanted breakfast!
Eggs & Sausage
(funny looking eggs but they tasted good)

Then it was time to get ready and meet the bus

We were supposed to go to the dog park
but instead we got a tour of Milwaukee
No one was happy about that
but there wasn't anything we could do about it.

So after our tour we went to lunch
YUP ... it was the Horny Goat
but we never saw any goats!?!?!

We did have some yummy food
but mama didn't take any pictures of that.

And we had lunch with lots of great people
and pugs, too!

Here is mama with her friend, Chrisse
Mama met Chrisse on

Here is mama with some of our blog furiends' mamas
Payton's mama, Christy
Gen & Foo's mama, Peta
and Tiffy's mama, Michelle

Zoe got to hang out with Christy most of the day

LQQK who we saw, again ...
It's Puglet!!!

After we ate we got back on the bus
and went on a boat tour

Payton's gampy, Steve with Liberty
Payton's pawrents', Christy & Tim with Zoe
Mama with Webster
and Dad with Peyton
Check out our cool hats Grant the Pug's mama, Laura, made for us!

After the boat trip we went back to the hotel.

For dinner we had Subway
chicken breast, green peppers and tomatoes

Now it's time for the Pre-Pug Fest PAWTY!!!

But we're out of time so we'll tell you all about that
and PUGFEST tomorrow!

Until then ...

Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Friday, May 18, 2012

1000 Pugs

We are taking a trip

Are we there yet????

We have never been here before ...

4-1/2 hours after we left home we made it to the hotel

We're not too crazy about the elevator
This room is moving!

Mama told us to take a nap before our big adventure.

Guess where we went???
Milwaukee's Historic Third Ward

And this is where we are supposed to go

Guess who we met????

He was so awesome
Zoe, Webster, Puglet, Liberty and Peyton

We got to meet Tiffy's mom, too.
Wish we could have met Tiffy!
Hopefully we will someday!

Then we got to meet Puglet's mama, Amanda
This was the only picture mama was able to get.
We were too focused on mama and not paying
attention to Amanda so she asked mama
not to take any more pictures.
It was okay ... we had a lot of fun showing
Miss Amanda our super modeling talents!

We have a fun day planned for tomorrow
and we can't wait to tell you all about it!

Until then ....

Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

We love mama so much so we wanted to get her something special.
We let her sleep-in until 6:30 this morning.
Can you guess what we got her????
Some of our favorite treats from

Mama was so happy that we thought of her.
She gave us one of each as soon as she opened them!
We love you, mama!!!!


Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty