Thursday, September 27, 2012

Three Dog Bakery

Whitney told you about our trip to
Three Dog Bakery ... on her birthday
We were there to pick up Whitney's birthday cake
We never saw so many treats ...
Mama helped each of us pick out something yummy
but we didn't get to eat any of them until after we got home
Pooch Smooches
Dipped Classic Cremes
Cheese Stix
Springer Spaniel Itty Bites
Mama made sure we all got to try some of each.
We each got our own Pooch Smooch
but everything else was divided by 5.
Some of them we got 2 bites and others we got 3 bites.
They were all so yummy!
While we were in Indy
we also got some Pugs In The Kitchen Treats
There were also some muffins ...
Mama let us have those for breakfast on Sunday!
We'll tell you more about our trip to Indy
the next time!
Until then ...
Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Another sad day in blogville ...

Our furiends - The Three Little Pugs
lost one of their own yesterday ...

Rest In Peace - Dear Trudie
June 15, 2006 - September 25, 2012
Please head over to their blog and send some love!!!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Monday, September 24, 2012

Webster's Day Out

Mama promised IF I was good all weekend
I would get a special surprise
Imagine HER surprise ...
I can behave once in a while
especially if I get rewarded for it!
We went for a walk
to the park
I got to swing
And the best part ...
 mama brought some ice cream
just for me!
It was goooood!!!!!
Love, Webster

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to Whitney

No one really knows my birth date
and my vet said I'm between 2 and 4 ...
Mom and Dad decided today - the first day of fall
would be my birthday ... so I am 3 years old today!
Mama ordered a special cake just for me!
We had to go pick it up ...
There were actually dogs in there ... we didn't like it at all!
Even though we really weren't that good
mama let us pick out some treats ....

It was so hard to decide ...
can't we just have them ALL???
We'll talk about those treats later - after we eat them!
This is where we went for my party ...
So many of our furiends were there ...
I really felt special!
I decided to share my cake with everyone
After I made sure it was edible ...
Our whole gang
Zoe, Webster, Peyton, Liberty & ME
We even got to take a walk in the park
That is the White River behind us
Mama said I get some presents but I haven't seen any, yet.
So I guess we'll just take a nap ...
Thanks for sharing my birthday with me!
Love, Whitney

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Are you ready for some football ...

Mama is a Colts fan so she bought us these jerseys.
Whitney doesn't have one so mama got her the
referee shirt but it fits Zoe.
(She is looking for a jersey ... watch out eBay!!!)
To make it fair Whitney and Webster are on one team
and Liberty and Peyton are on the other team.
Mama said we had to have a girl and a boy on each team
AND a fawn & a black!
Daddy is a Bears fan ... so Webster has his own Bears jersey!
The Bears and the Colts played each other today.
Daddy was happy that his team won ...
And mama, well - not so much!
Better luck next time!
Of course - she kept reminding him who won their
Super Bowl (XLI) matchup in 2007!
Come on - that was way before our time ...

We are "watching" mama's beloved Peyton Manning
play right now against the Steelers ... 
(Think we'll be getting Bronco jerseys???)
This is what we really think of football ...
We hope you had a fun weekend!
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

from the top ...
Webster, Zoe, Liberty, Peyton & Whitney