Sunday, August 25, 2013

It's my FIRST Gotcha Day!

Can you believe it's been a whole year already?
It seems like only yesterday when mom and dad walked
into the Douglas County Animal Shelter and saved me!
At the Shelter they called me "Miss Piggy"
How Rude!!!
Here is my story ...
And here I am today
I saw the doctor a couple of weeks ago
and she was very happy ...
I have lost 4 lbs. since I've been here.
She said mom and dad are taking
very good care of me!
We slept in this morning and then we all
went for a walk but it started warming up
pretty quick so we didn't get to to very far.
Daddy said we are starting a new tradition ...
Because they were grocery shopping and
went to buy pork chops the day they found me
it only makes sense that I get to have pork chops
on my Gotcha Day.  Who am I to argue with him?
I also got a couple of sweet potato fries, some
garden fresh tomatoes and peas & carrots.
Then I took a nap! Mama had to wake me ...
"Wanna go get some ice cream?"
She didn't have to ask me twice!
Come on ... let's go!!!
Two walks in one day ...
I guess I'm going to work off all of those calories!
We walked to The Scoop
And I got my own cone
It has been an awesome year
and it's only just begun ...
Love, Whitney

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Our first day of school
We have waited our whole lives for this day!
Come on Dad ... hurry!!!!!
Here we are at the door ... LET US IN!
 Wonder what mama packed for lunch?
Love Zoe & Peyton
Webster, Liberty & Whitney
aren't old enough for school!
Maybe next year ...
PS ... Don't forget about our furiend, Stella, and the raffle
to help our furiend, Benny, who is fighting liver cancer.
Click HERE to get the details!
The winner will be picked tomorrow
so buy your ticket TODAY.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Pug PAWTY ...

We went to Indianapolis on Saturday
to hang out with some of our furiends!
It went from Pool Pawty to Pug Pawty
and we were okay with that!
Mama put her hand in the water and said it was cold.
We were so happy that we didn't have to go swimming!
Our host was Pauly
And his sister, China Mae
Here is dad giving us some treats
 We still had to pose for a picture
even though we didn't swim.
That's okay ... we still got treats!
And that is what it's all about, right!?!
We played ...

and even posed for pictures

Here are the two babies - Vega & Pippa
(both about 4 months old) sharing a drink
after playing ...
There were 21 pugs and 15 humans at this pawty!
It was so much fun ... can't wait until we get together again!
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney
PS ... Don't forget about our furiend, Stella's
raffle to help with Benny's fight to beat cancer!
It's only $10 per ticket and all of the money raised
will go towards Benny's chemo treatments.
This raffle ends on Friday, August 23rd!
WHAT are you waiting for?????

Friday, August 16, 2013

Getting ready ...

It's almost here!
We are going to play with our
Indy pug furiends tomorrow.
So we spent the day getting ready ... 
First we got our ears cleaned.
Then we were furminated.
And then it was time for baths ...

Now mama wants to paint the girls' nails
but we're fighting with her.
Don't you think we've been tortured enough!?!
It's been a little cool and the water will be cold
so we won't be getting in the pool!
(And we found out the other day that we can't
get in the pool anyway ... but we're okay with that.)
We're still going to wear our swimsuits!
We wish it wasn't so far to Indy
but we'll get a long nap so we'll be ready
to PAWTY when we get there!
Pug Hugs ~ Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

We won!

A couple of weeks ago we won a prize
in Pugs & Purrs's raffle to help our furiend, Benny 
It is a puzzle.
It also came with a box of yummy treats!
4 out of 5 of us have no clue what to do
with this awesome prize ...
But one of us knows exactly what to do ...
I'll show you ...

 THEN ... you have to eat the treats really fast
because if you don't ... there is always someone
ready to take them away from you!
I'd play with this all day
IF mama would keep it filled with treats!!!
Some of our other furiends are hosting raffles
so here is your chance to win something awesome
AND help raise money for Benny ...
Our furiends - Stella, Maggie & Gus are hosting
a Mystery Raffle. The cost is $10 per ticket.
Click HERE to get all of the details!
(We bought a ticket today!)
Our furiend, Jazzi, is also hosting a raffle.
The cost is a minimum of $5.00
which gets you 5 tickets!
Click HERE to get all of the details!
(We plan to buy our tickets soon!)
Love, Liberty
And Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Whitney, too!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Festival of Pugs ...

Yesterday we took a really long car ride
so that we could attend Kentuckiana Pug Rescue's
annual event - 500 Festival of Pugs!
It was so much fun!
We entered lots of contests ...
Zoe won 1st in the Curliest Tail 
Peyton and Daddy won 1st in the Look Alike contest 
Peyton also won 2nd place in Best Trick
(I can sit, shake hands, and high five!)
Webster won 1st in the pug races (1-5 yrs old) 
I'm in the center (behind mama - in the blue shirt)

Liberty placed 2nd in the costume contest
Mama said I am the cutest 'lil giraffe she ever saw!

Whitney tied for 1st in the costume contest
(dressed as Marilyn Monroe)
Here I am with Elvis Pugsley who also tied for 1st place!
We bought lots of yummy treats from
And we had our pictures taken by
They should be online in a week or so.
Can't wait for you to see them!
Every time we go we meet more people and pugs, too!
It was a long day but we had so much fun!
Until next time ...
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Guess what today is ...

It is ...
We have an adventure planned
that we will tell you about tomorrow.
Mom and Dad made sure we didn't
miss out on this wonderful "holiday"!
We hope you get to enjoy some of this
sweet yummy summertime treat!
Love Liberty, Peyton, Webster, Zoe & Whitney