Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Pawty

On Saturday we went to Indianapolis.
Our furiends, The Pug Posse,
threw a Halloween Pawty!
We even got to stay in a hotel - Drury Inn
Peyton, Zoe, Whitney, Liberty & Webster
Mama said we better take a nap before the pawty
Zoe is just pretending to sleep while watching TV
And then there is Whitney ...
I'm not taking a nap and you can't make me!
Can you guess our costumes for the pawty???
 Guess who this is?????
Now can you guess what we are?
Mama is a Police Officer and we are her
We were the only pugs in costume
but it makes mama happy
if mama is happy then every puggy is happy!
Happy Halloween ...
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Costumes ... part two

On Sunday we went to
Noblesville, IN to Arfpocalypse
The event was an attempt to break the
Guinness World Record
for the most costumed dogs at one location.
It didn't happen ... the record is 1326
and only 825 showed up.
But we still had a good time!
Zoe (Witch)

 Peyton (Fireman)
 Webster (pirate)
 Liberty (Pirate)
Whitney (Marily Monroe)
We'll tell you next time what we did
last Saturday!
Until then ...
Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Costumes ... part one

 For some reason
our mama is obsessed
with dressing us in silly costumes ...
Pooh (Zoe) & Tigger (Peyton)
Spider (Webster)
 Skunk (Liberty)
Piggy (Whitney) 
Girls just wanna have fun
(Whitney, Liberty & Zoe)

The boys ... Just hanging out
(Peyton & Webster)

Until next time ...
Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Friday, October 25, 2013

Our furiend, Benny

Our furiend, Benny, lost his battle with cancer
yesterday afternoon ...

May 27, 2007 -October 24, 2013
We will never forget you, Benny!
Youi will always be our super hero!!!!!
Until we meet again ...
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Our trip to Negangard Pumpkns

This is where we buy our pumpkins
Are we there, yet?????
(Liberty is hiding behind Webster)
They have the biggest pumpkins we have ever seen
Zoe, Liberty, Whitney, Webster & Peyton
See that really big pumpkin behind the girls ...
We talked the pawrents into letting us have it!
Here is the whole family
This is what we did with our pumpkin ...





Next time we'll show you our costumes!
Until then ...
Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Where's the FIRE?

Mama said gurls go crazy
for SEXY firemen ...
Hey brother ... it's MY turn to be Fire Chief!

I'm here to protect you from large spiders, too!
Love & Kisses
Peyton & Webster

Friday, October 18, 2013

Our furiend, Gracie Lynn Slimmer

Heaven must have needed another pug angel
09/12/2005 - 10/17/2013
Rest in peace, sweetheart ...
You will be missed!!!!!
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Cupcakes anyone???

We're NOT Katy Perry fans ...
As a matter of fact, we have never heard any of her music.
while shopping the other day mama found this for us
We're not too crazy about the glasses.
Actually, we're not to crazy about any of this.
But it seems to make mama happy
AND the treats are pretty good!
Love Zoe, Liberty & Whitney
PS ... The boys get the next post!
Wait until you see them ...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday ...

Love & Kisses
Peyton, Liberty, Whitney & Webster

Friday, October 4, 2013

Can anyone guess what "holiday" is in October???

I'll give you a clue ...
Here's a close up ...
YUP ... that is ORANGE hair
with a stem on top!
Does this make my mama a "witch"?
Only 27 more days of this crazy
Love, Liberty

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My special present

It finally arrived ... I am so excited!!!!!
Ever since I got here I've been a little jealous ...
Both of my sisters have their own tutu.
See how cute they are ...
Mama kept saying she would get one for me.
She was talking to Aunt Punchy a couple of weeks ago
and guess what I got?????
YUP ... my very own tutu!
Look how pretty it is ...
And it matches my harness!
I feel like a Princess!
Princess Zoe
Princess Liberty
And me ... Princess Whitney
You can get your own tutu from Pug Possessed
If you can't find what you are looking for
Aunty Punchy will make what you want!
Love, Whitney