Saturday, October 1, 2011

Quincy Pug Meet-up

Last week - September 24, 2011, we took a road trip
Peyton and Zoe

Liberty ... wake me when we get there!

Webster ... he called "shotgun"

Mom tried to wake us so we could see the sights
This is the Valley City Eagle Bridges.
We missed it but mom and dad really liked it!
And there were several places that looked like this ...
but we were too tired to check it out!

The theme for the day was Western
Here is our "family photo"

Zoe is a cute 'lil cowgirl

Peyton is a handsome 'lil pugaroo

Webster was a cute 'lil pugaroo, too!

Liberty was an adorable 'lil cowgirl

We played games ...
This was the barrel races!

And there were treats ...
All of the pugs loved this cake from Three-Dog Bakery

Webster just couldn't get enough...

Here is the whole group ...
We saw some friends we made last year
and we met some new friends!

This was our dinner for being so good ...
We love, love, love, love rotisserie chicken!
And we got the whole thing - except the skin and bones!

It sure was a fun day but it made us really tired ...



And then there is Liberty ...
I'm not sleeping ... I want more cake!

Until next time ...
Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

(We have been trying to post this all week - hopefully it works!)
It took me an hour but I think I got it!!!


  1. Looks like you all had a blast! The pictures on the saddle are just too mom is wondering how on earth your mom and dad got you guys to stay on there for the pictures. And all I'm wondering about is how long it took to polish off that chicken. Ooo, so yummy! I'm with Liberty...cake, please!

  2. OMD you all look so cute on the saddle!!! How much fun did that look like...and a yummy cake :)

    Liberty we agree we couldn't sleep we want more cake too.

    the girls

  3. What an awesome pug meet up! We never get food at ours. That cake looked delicious and that chicken, whoo hoo!

    The pictures are all adorable and the saddle was too much. Just too cute for words.

  4. So many puggies in one place! Our pug and puggle meets ups are not so exciting and NEVER include food. You guys are so lucky.

    We love your costumes and also wonder how you guys sat on the saddle long enough for a picture?

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  5. how cute! i love the pictures on the saddle.

  6. Woof! what a great shots, you really look fabulous on your post!

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