Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Princess Zoe LuvPug

Today is my 4th Birthday
I'm thinking ... cupcakes!!!

I had an awesome party with my siblings,
pawrents and our human cousin, Jennifer,
and her 'lil girls - Macy (2-1/2) & Cadence (5).

I got a new collar with lots of bling on it.
I also got a new ID tag and a couple of charms.
One is a Zodiac and the other is a
crown with red stones on it.
(Silly mama - she got the wrong Zodiac charm
but she promised she would get me the right one tomorrow!)

My cousins got me a giraffe and some treats

Guess what ... we had cupcakes!!!

I really wanted one like the humans ate
but mama wouldn't let me because
they were chocolate.

So instead we had some cupcakes
that mama made for us.
She tried to make them as pretty as theirs
but yogurt is more runny than icing.
We didn't care ... they were yummy!!!

Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me ...

Wanna know the best part? I got to totally blow the diet.
No kibble for me today! YAY!!!
Yesterday Mom and Dad ate lunch at Red Lobster
and they saved some of their chicken for me.
It was so yummy ... I got some for breakfast
and I get more for dinner tonight!

Here us a flashback of my previous birthdays ...

2011 - 3rd Birthday

2010 - 2nd Birthday

2009 - 1st Birthday

Thanks for sharing my birthday with me ...
Love, Zoe


  1. Happy birthday, Zoe! Four is a wonderful age to be. Your cupcake hat is just hilarious! You're such a good sport to wear it.
    You are certainly a well loved little pug!

  2. Happy Birthday, pretty girl. I love your birthday hat! How wonderful you got your own cupcakes, and I bet they were actually better than the human ones. Hope 2012 brings you lots of love, treats and fun!

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  3. Happee Birthday sweetie. Your hats are awesome!!
    Benny & Lily

  4. That looks like the most pawsome birthday EVER, Miss Zoe! You are simply gorgeous, dahling! xoxo

  5. A very Happy Birthday to you Zoe...those cup cakes look yummy.
    Jo, PJ, Elvis, Lily, Pinkie & The Fonz xxxx

  6. Best birthday hat 2011 3rd birthday hat is pretty good too! Happy birthday girl!!

  7. Heck of a party Zoe!! Your party cupcake hat is soooo cute. Looks like you had some awesome nommables as well. Happy Barkday!

    We gave you an award over on our blog.


  8. Happy, happy birthday Zoe! I'm sorry to be so late in wishing you a great day.
    PS. Those cupcakes your mom made looks pretty yummy to me too!

  9. Oh look at those pug-cakes! Tell your mom to share the recipe with my humans so that I can have cupcakes too! DELISH.
