Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mama's day off ...

We were excited ... mama has a day off work!
But the "excitement" didn't last long ...
Mama said were were stinky puggers
and you know what that means ...
YUP ... bathtime
Mama promised us a Greenie so it was worth it!




We also got our ears cleaned out ... yuck!

But it doesn't end there - oh no ...

When Dad got home from work we went for a ride.
We love to go for a ride ...

Until we saw where we were going ...

We are NOT fans of Petsmart!
And this is why ...

Liberty ...
at least I didn't poop on the table ... this time!

Zoe ...
excuse me ... is this how you treat a princess???

am I done, yet?

I hate this ...

Isn't this child abuse???
We're pretty sure it is!

For all of the torture today we got a special treat ...

Arby's Jr. Roast Beef sandwiches ...
oh so yummy!

Until next time ... stay dry!
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty


  1. Those sandwiches would get me in the tub for sure!

  2. Aww, you guys look so sad in the bathtub! I do love the little head tilt there though! You guys sure went through a lot of torture today, but those sammies must have made it all worth it!

  3. Heck, we would do ANYTHING for a sandwich!

    BTW, mom had a flu or cold. The chicken lasagna was delicious!

  4. oh you poor things. at least you got those sandwiches at the end! my girls hate getting their nails clipped at petsmart too, but if they would just be good when i try it at home we wouldn't have to go there!

  5. You each get a sandwich! OMG you are so lucky. We would endure bath and nails if we were rewarded with that.
    Lucky, lucky dogs.

  6. I love your picture in the tub its so adorable!

  7. Whoa that's some serious torture from a puggy point of view. A bath AND a nail trim?!?! Yikes. But at least you got roast beef for your troubles (and you smell good) xoxo
