Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's our One Year Blogiversary

When we first started this blog last year we really didn't know
if mama would help us keep up with it.
Sometimes she doesn't do the best job, but we love her.
And we had no idea we would have made so many friends.
(We have even met a few in the fur and hope to meet more!)

So it is time to PAWTY and do our very first giveaway ...

Since there are four of us we couldn't agree on the perfect prize.
So we put our heads together and came up with a great idea!
We will let you decide what you want ...

Everyone that leaves a comment on this post
(until Saturday @ 12:00 am, March 24th)
will be put into a drawing for some tasty treats
from our friends at

And since we can't decide, the WINNER gets to pick
not only one or two or even three treats ...
Oh no - you get to pick FOUR since there are four of us!
Or if you want to add a cool charm to your collar/harness
you could pick one of those and three yummy treats!!!

And for your human, mama has an extra coffee cup
with this design on the front ...

We will get Dad to help us pick a winner
on Saturday morning (after breakfast, of course)!

Until then ... XOXOXOXO
Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty


  1. Happy Blogoversary!!!! Here's to many, many more!!!

    Punchy and her gang

  2. Happy Anniversary, or should I say Blogaversary! It's great to know you all and share with you. As for mom being busy, boy, do we know all about THAT!


  3. My humom discovered your site a few months ago and loves all your awesome costumes! I'm just interested in the treats! Happy Blogaversary!

    Penny the pug

    whereistoto (at) hotmail (dot) com

  4. Happy Blogaversary! Can I please enter your fabulous give away?
    Jo & The Pugs xx

  5. Time flies, doesn't it! I love to see all your puggy pictures. :) Happy anniversary!

  6. happy blogoversary! your mom has done a great job so far! i love all the sweet pictures of you that she posts. what a cute pack of pugs!

  7. Happy Blogiversary! Isn't the blog world amazing? It can bring us so close even though we are all miles apart. I know that just about anywhere I go in the US, I have friends.

    Don't count us in your giveaway though. We are getting ready to place an order right now!

  8. Whooooa!!! Happy Blogaversary!
    Benny & Lily

  9. Happy blogiversary! You guys look precious :)

  10. Happy Blogiversary!! I am so happy to have found your blog on the day of your blogiversary and the day you decide to run a giveaway. That's very exciting. Lucy, Gator & Chaz just received their first order from PITK yesterday and they are hooked!! That mug is really cool too. :-) The 4 of you are just to cute. Looking forward to this blog.

    <3 T & the pugs

  11. Congratulations, Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty!! Your giveaway is just awesome and a super way to celebrate your one year blogversary! If I win, my Gampy might just steal that coffee cup (he is a coffee freak!). You will get to meet him in May too!

  12. I love your blog and your momma takes the most amazing momma wishes she would come down to ioway and take pictures of us!!! I can't wait to go back to ILL and see you guys again...this year trudy is going with us, I Think...Sam says No Way Jose! Kisses and hugs I wear my little charm you sent me for my birthday all the time...trude is jealous, her birthday is in june, i told her "you just wait, ms. ellen will send you a cool card also" Sam doesn't care....hugs hugs hugs..stella rose long

  13. Happy Blogversary! It's hard to believe how fast a year goes by. We love your harnesses by the way!

    We wish we could meet you 4 in the flesh but just knowing you through the blog is great!

    Have a great 2nd year.
    Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

  14. What terrific prizes and congrats on your blogiversary. We just love reading your blog

    Urban Hounds

  15. OOOOOOHHHHHHH! Please enter us. Happy Blogoversary puggers!


  16. Happy bloggoversary gang!!! You all are super sweet to do a give away on your special day and from one of the tastiest places too!

    The Girls

  17. Just wanted to wish you all a very happy Blogoversary!
