Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We saw our grandpawrents ...

After we left KPR's March in the Pugs
we went to see grandmaw and grandpaw!

Here is mama with her dad
and one of his babies - Fluffy

Zoe and grandpaw

Peyton and grandpaw

Webster and grandpaw

Liberty and grandpaw

Grandmaw doesn't like to have her picture taken
so we don't have any with her.
But we love her and gave her lots of kisses!

Dad and grandpaw went to Arby's and got
dinner for all of us! It was yummy!!!

Grandmaw and grandpaw have a fenced-in yard.
So we had fun with their "kids" Fluffy and Princess.
Running outside, then back inside, then back outside ...

Mama tried to get a picture of us with Fluffy and Princess
but they wouldn't sit still long enough. Maybe next time ...

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty


  1. You saw your grandpawrents and you had Arbys? Lucky pugs!


  2. Aren't grandpawrents the best! I just saw both my grandmaws on the weekend. They totally spoiled me!


  3. Hope you had a great time, grand parents are supposed to be good spoiler. Our dad's mom who sadly passed away was the best spoiler ever!

    Urban Hounds

  4. What lucky pugs! I love seeing my grandma and grandpa. They're so snuggly!

  5. What a fun day you guys had! As you know, I love my Gammy and Gampy, so I can only imagine how excited you all must have been...especially when you saw the Arby's!

  6. Arby's! How awesome is that! We don't get to see our grandparents that often but we love our Nanna. She has long fingernails and can scratch like nobody's business.

  7. Awww did you get extra treats from the grandpawrents??? That's why they are so special!!!
