Saturday, April 21, 2012

We have our eyes on you ...

Today we went to the University of Illinois
Veterinary Teaching Hospital to take part in research ...
 We had our eyes checked for Pigmentary Keratitis!


Dr. Amber Labelle told us that we are rare!
Approximately 88% of the pugs she has tested
are affected by this eye disease.
Liberty's eyes are the best.
Zoe's and Webster's eyes are about the same.
And Peyton's eyes could be affected at a later time
but right now they are still good.
She suggested that Peyton have his eyes checked in a year
to stay on top of this and hopefully avoid future problems.
Mom and Dad were really happy!!!!

Mama forgot her camera so we didn't get any pictures.
Dr. Labelle was wonderful ... she gave us treats!

If you are going to the Milwaukee Pug Fest next month
you can take part in this awesome research.
Dr. Labelle is going to be there.
Check out her blog at

You can still get signed up. It's FREE!!!

Tomorrow is Earth Day!
We're going to plant our bleeding heart that
mama bought to plant in Payton's memory.

We also got some red geraniums for the
deck ... in memory of Yoda!

Until then .... Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Anyone have a tissue?

Mama is silly

So I like to play with tissues ... who doesn't???

Every now and then mama will give me one to play with.

I like to rip it to pieces

until mama takes it away

when I try to eat it!

Anyone else do this???

Love, Zoe

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Day - Part 2

After our egg hunt and Easter baskets it was time to go ...

Where are we going????
2+ hours of riding in the car ... we were finally there

Look ... it's Grandmaw & Grandpaw

We had cheeseburgers and brats for lunch.
It was yummy!!!
Grandpaw is diabetic so for dessert there was jello cake.
Sugar-free angel food cake and sugar-free jello.
The best part was we each got a bite! YUMMY!!!

We went for a walk before lunch and another walk after lunch!

Grandmaw & Grandpaw gave us some tasty treats!

daddy, mama, uncle Terry, grandmaw & grandpaw

We were exhausted and slept all the way home.

We hope you had a great Easter, too!!!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Day .. Part One

We're a day late but it was a long day
and we wanted to share our adventure

It started early with Easter Baskets

And an egg hunt

Uh oh ... mama realized we were "naked"
so you know what happened next ...

Guess what we found inside our eggs???

Treats from PITK

If you haven't tried these yummy treats
you are really missing out ... they are fresh,
home baked treats and they arrived in vacuum sealed packages.
They are so delicious!

We're being good ...
can we please have our baskets, now?

Princess Zoe

Lady Liberty



Mama told us to make sure you know that
we are wearing some pawsome stuff

The girls are wearing Chunky Bead Pet Jewelry
(Zoe is wearing purple and Liberty is wearing pink).

The boys are wearing Dog Collar and Bowties
(Peyton is wear white/black and Webster is wearing all white).

If you haven't checked them out, what are you waiting for?
Everything is handmade and reasonably priced!

Now it's for our adventure
but you will have to check back tomorrow ...

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's my birthday

I'm 3 years old today
So that makes me KING for a day!

I got some toys and treats
a Zodiac charm for my collar and a shirt

Mama helped me get dressed and said it was time to go
I'm so excited ... where are we going?

Daddy decided that since I'm KING for a day
we are going to Burger King for lunch
 I think I'll have a Whopper Jr

I thought there was someone famous here
because everyone wanted to take pictures.
I was excited ... wonder who it could be?
GUESS WHAT ... it was me!
Everyone wanted to take my picture!

What a nice day

Can we go to the park?

Yummy Whopper Jr.

Can we go for a walk?

This looks like a good place to rest

More pictures?

Can we play, please???

The slide looks fun


Look ... I can go down by myself

Mama, will you go down this one with me?

That was fun ...

I love to swing!

It's time to go shopping
but let's get some ice cream first

nom nom nom ... this is good

Now that my belly is full, again, let's go shopping!
Mama's clicky thing died so we didn't get any pictures.
We went to Petsmart, Hobby Lobby, TJ Maxx,
Bed Bath & Beyond and Hallmark!
Daddy went in Home Depot but I wasn't allowed to go in.
So mama sat outside with me and we talked to
everyone going in and out while we waited for daddy!

Once we got home I needed a nap

Once my nap was over it was time for my party

We want treats!!!!

Oh what a day ... more ice cream

Lucky to be me ... turning three!

Love Webster