Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's my birthday

I'm 3 years old today
So that makes me KING for a day!

I got some toys and treats
a Zodiac charm for my collar and a shirt

Mama helped me get dressed and said it was time to go
I'm so excited ... where are we going?

Daddy decided that since I'm KING for a day
we are going to Burger King for lunch
 I think I'll have a Whopper Jr

I thought there was someone famous here
because everyone wanted to take pictures.
I was excited ... wonder who it could be?
GUESS WHAT ... it was me!
Everyone wanted to take my picture!

What a nice day

Can we go to the park?

Yummy Whopper Jr.

Can we go for a walk?

This looks like a good place to rest

More pictures?

Can we play, please???

The slide looks fun


Look ... I can go down by myself

Mama, will you go down this one with me?

That was fun ...

I love to swing!

It's time to go shopping
but let's get some ice cream first

nom nom nom ... this is good

Now that my belly is full, again, let's go shopping!
Mama's clicky thing died so we didn't get any pictures.
We went to Petsmart, Hobby Lobby, TJ Maxx,
Bed Bath & Beyond and Hallmark!
Daddy went in Home Depot but I wasn't allowed to go in.
So mama sat outside with me and we talked to
everyone going in and out while we waited for daddy!

Once we got home I needed a nap

Once my nap was over it was time for my party

We want treats!!!!

Oh what a day ... more ice cream

Lucky to be me ... turning three!

Love Webster


  1. happy birthday webster! you look so cute in your crown!!

    1. Thank you, Rae, Phyllis and Priscilla!
      We hope we get to meet you sometime! We have a cousin, Buddy Pug, that lives in Smyrna, TN! Mama said you aren't too far away from Buddy so the next time we go there maybe we can meet you!

      Love, Webster

  2. You are king of the castle! Have a happy happy birthday
    Benny & Lily

    1. I am the KING of this castle ... I'll let the other know that you think so, too!

      Love Webster

  3. Happy birthday, Webster! We love all your pictures, but the one in the swing is our favorite! What a great day you had! Here's to many more healthy, happy years!

    1. Thank you Isabelle, Petunia & Tallulah! It was a great birthday and playing in the park was so much fun! I'm still tired but we all had a fun adventure yesterday that we'll post about later!

      Love, Webster

  4. Oh Webster
    What a little doll you are- and all dressed up for your birthday!
    I love your pretty shirt!
    A trip to the park and Burger King nummies , and ice cream too!
    What fun you had! Your so brave going down the slide at the park- and too cute in the swing!
    That must have been so disappointing to not be able to go into Home Depot! That is not fair! They musta changed the rules,, cause I went there a year ago.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY cutie pie- and I hope the rest of your family had some fun too,

    1. Thank you, Tweedles! It was a great day ... except Home Depot was the only store here that had a sign on the door that said no dogs. Mama said I'm not a "dog" but we better wait outside anyway! I was kinda tired anyway and they had a bench right by the door - so it was perfect! And it was fun talking to all of the people who came in and out of the store!

      Love, Webster

  5. Happy Birthday Webster, and looks like you had a wonderful day. My Puggies are very jealous that you went to Burger King! Happy Easter.
    Jo & The Pugs xx

    1. Thanks, Jo & The Pugs! It was so fun at Burger King ... everyone that worked there took my picture! I felt like I was somebody important! And my Whopper Jr. was yummy!

      Love, Webster

  6. Happy Birthday, Webster. We virtually enjoyed being at your birthday party! The Burger King part was especially great....
    We also ordered some flowers for the Green Mountain Fundraiser and also posted it on Facebook. We hope you guys raise lots of green papers for your rescue.
    Happy Easter, too.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

    1. Thank Minnie & Mack! I have never been to Burger King ... mama like McD's so we usually go there, but since I was KING for the day daddy thought we should go to Burger King! I'm glad we did ... it was yummy!

      We always support Pug Rescue! We're not part of Green Mountain Pug Rescue but anytime there is something for PUGS we always want to help! So glad you ordered some flowers, too! We can't wait to get our pink bleeding hearts to plant in Payton's memory!

      Love Webster

  7. Wow that is some party, look at all those yummy ice creams and treats and I love your king hat.

    urban hounds

    1. Thanks, Urban Hounds! Wish you could have been here ... ice cream twice in one day! It was pawsome!!!


  8. What a simply perfect birthday!!! Glad you had a wonderful day! Happy Birthday Webster!

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes! Turning 3 was so much fun! Mama said we get to meet you next month ... I can't wait! I love my bowtie you made for me! I wore it yesterday for some Easter pix at home but mama forgot to take in on our adventure yesterday!

      Love, Webster

  9. Happy Birthday! Love, Phoebe Rose, celebrity pug.

    1. Thank you, Phoebe Rose! I almost felt like a celebrity on my birthday!!!

      Love, Webster

  10. Happy 3rd birthday Webster...we love the crown!!

    The Girls

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes ~ Sequoia, Petunia & Emma! I got extra treats for wearing that silly crown ... so I guess it was worth it!

      Love, Webster

  11. OM Pug ! Awesome birthday you had !! Happy birthday~ ps. where did you get the crown??

    1. Thank you, Sammy & Neko! It was the best birthday, ever!!! Mama said to tell you that she finds all kinds of silly hats for us at Party City!

      Love, Webster
