Sunday, July 1, 2012

Let's go camping ...

It rained last year on our first ever
camping trip ... this year it was HOT!!!

Here is where we ended up spending a lot of time
because there was so much to see and do and
we just wanted to go explore ...

We liked this a whole lot better
Our cousin, Macy, kept getting in and letting us out!
She loves us but didn't want to be locked up with us.

She did take us for walks

We walked down to the river with grandmaw

This is as close as we would go ...
Mama wanted pictures of us in the water
but she didn't bring enough treats!

We got to play on grandpaw's golf cart
We we were afraid of it when it moved

Grandpaw cooked fish for lunch
Thanks, grandpaw ... it was yummy!

We had hot dogs for dinner
thanks, Dad, for cooking them for us!

We even got some toasted marshmallows
but we ate them before mama could get any pictures!

This is where we slept
We're just glad we didn't get wet this time!

Mama told us we might get to go camping again this summer.
We can't wait ... it was so much fun!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty


  1. Oh my word are we jealous of your camping adventure.
    Benny & Lily

  2. You are so brave to sleep outside! Girls, you should really try swimming! It is so much fun and keeps you so cool!

  3. .,oh I love camping., we have so much fun there...and looks that you guys have lot of fun too.

    Dog Fence

  4. Hi Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty
    I love this camping trip! Marshmellows and hot dogs- YUM!
    And Grandpaw cooked fish? I can just imagine all the wonderful smells.
    I have never gone swimming in a river like yours, but if I had a nice life jacket like you- I might not be afraid.
    But, I won't do anything without treats either. Your Grandmaw is such a pretty lady.
    I have a jail cell kinda like yours that mommy just got for me. Its not much fun.

  5. Happy camping and happy Monday to you and yours.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. I love the life jackets. What fun your trip was

    urban hounds

  7. You guys are brave, but with all the great food, it must have been worth it!

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

  8. Wow you had a lot of fun didn't did you stay was hot hot hot here so we didn't get to go outside at all this weekend..just on the porch real fast. We want to go camping to cos of all the food you must get to eat!! We have a cage like yours also...I liked the picture of your friend macey in it instead of you Rose and sibs

  9. What a fun camping trip! I always enjoy all the photos your mom takes of you guys. I'm so glad everyone had such a great time.
    PS. Zoe, are you in that blue car so you can drive down to visit me?

  10. Our mama wants your grandpaw's golf cart, how slick is that ?? You guys are so lucky... we have never been camping. Looks like so much fun !

    Stay cool~
