Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our weekend with Lenny

The weekend went  by so fast ...
now we know what it means when the pawrents say
"time flies when you're having fun"!

Dad grilled us some hotdogs

We had a swim pawty

We had ice cream

Dad also grilled some chicken this weekend

Lenny doesn't like fruits or veggies!
That is okay - mama kept giving him some
but he wouldn't eat them so we would help him out!

We did a lot of playing and sleeping, too.
We think Lenny had fun here at Pug Paradise.
He stayed with us for a couple of weeks
in 2010 when his family went to Hawaii.

Until next time ...

Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty


  1. What fun you had and Lenny had some vacay in puggie paradise

    urban hounds

  2. What a very special time you had with Lenny.
    I like your swim pool. I think it would be so much fun.
    Your icecream looked so good and I wished I had some too.

  3. That ice cream looked so good! You guys were so well behaved with it! Mom puts everyone in crates here so we can be calm about it. And Isabelle takes soooo much longer to eat hers!

    You guys really know how to party!

  4. Hotdogs , wow you are so lucky. Looks like you had a swell weekend. Have a happy Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Wish I was there for some of those great treats and pug lovin!

  6. What a great party!! You mom and dad know how to throw them! I bet Lenny had such a good time, and Mom was commenting on how well you were sharing your Mom with Lenny! The ice cream looked great! Your Mom has worked on the concept of "share" better than our mom does. Sometimes it looks like a gang-fight when Mom brings out the strawberries. Hugs Stella Rose
