Monday, August 20, 2012

Our furiend - Brando ...

This is Brando
He was recently rescued and has a wonderful family!
Brando had some issues last week so he went to see the vet.
It isn't pretty ...
The vet said it looks like he's only "existed" his whole life.
 He tested positive for heartworms, hook worms and "whips".
Can you imagine having this inside you?
Luckily everything can be treated
and Brando will be feeling better soon!
We get our heartworm preventative every month!
It's yummy - we look forward to it.
We hope you get yours, too!
We also get a flea preventative every month.
We have NEVER had fleas!
Some of our furiends' pawrents
started a Chip-In to help with the costs

We agreed to give up some of our treat money to help our furiend!
Even if you can't help with costs,
Brando and his family can use some extra prayers right now.
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty


  1. Love to Brando and his peeps. We wish them well. Have a great Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. So scary! I'm glad that you four are helping out another puggie in need. We are praying for Brando too.

  3. We've sent lots of puggie juju Brando's way via Facebook. We pray for Brando to have a long, healthy life to come!
    Thank you for spreading the word to Blogville!

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

  4. Thank you all so much. Prayers can cure anything. xoxo

  5. Eww..which one of you posted the icky picture? we have been reading about little loves his name! we are sending him lots of prayers and juju.....hugs to you all
    stella rose

  6. Oh my goodness poor baby. Paws crossed for Brando
    Benny & Lily

  7. So glad that Brando is with a family that will help him. We saw that the chip in has already been fulfilled! Yay for pug people and their kind hearts. Not even a worm can damage them.

  8. I am sending all my love and positive thoughts to Brando and his family.
    I am happy he has a family now that will love and help him.
