Monday, December 10, 2012

We saw Santa

We saw Santa
He was wasn't very nice and
wouldn't let mama take pictures of each of us.
So you are just going to have to imagine how
cute we would have looked ...
Princess Zoe
 Because we are good and participate
in all of this crazy nonsense
we got some yummy cookies!
We hope your visit with Santa goes better than ours!
Pug Hugs,
Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney
PS ..... Mama said thanks for everyone's help!
She ended up paying for storage so we can
continue to post! YAY!!!!!


  1. You know Ms. Ellen that he wasn't the REAL santa cos if he was he would have taken a zillion pictures with each puggie AND brought them presents AND cookies! He was a tried and true fake for sure!!!
    We all just loved each picture. Their little faces show eXACTLY (lol) how they are feeling at the moment! We are still closing our eyes with Webster, but that will pass. Liberty seems to be the only one reveling in the moment!! Mom still thinks Whitney's face tells a story, she doesn't know what it is. Hugs from your other kid!
    stella Rose

  2. Nevermind with Santa you all look really great. We prefer the close-ups. Have a marvelous Monday.
    best wishes Molly

  3. Must have been a grumpie Santa, why would one not want pictures of each of you, and have something to remember the five packages of cute, mussie Pugs. When we go see Santa we will tell him about your problem, bet you get some extra special stuff from him for the problems.

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  4. Aww, you guys are all so cute!! Momma said she's going to take me and Cinderella to see the Big Guy this weekend. I hope he's in a better mood by then!

  5. My goodness you all look soo cute! You posed so well, don't know why he was so grumpy! Mom just loves all your hats!!

    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  6. Great pics and we LOVE your card

    urban hounds

  7. What a grumpy old Santa!!! You all look adorable!!!!!!!!!

  8. We had to pay for storage too. I guess $5 a year isn't bad. Sorry Santa was grumpy. But I'm glad you didn't let it put a damper on your holiday spirit. You guys look great!

  9. oh what a bummer that santa is! my girls just got their pictures last week with "tattooed santa" and he was super nice! you guys look cute in a group shot anyway, and i love those christmas ties!

  10. I bet santa would love an awesome Christmas Card with one of those super cool pugs on it
