Sunday, April 7, 2013

Webster's 4th Birthday

I'm King for a Day
Mom, Dad and I started my birthday
with lunch at
We took our food to the park
And had a pugnic
I got all of these chicken bites ... they were so good!
We walked around the park
posed for some pictures
I think it's time to go to
Can you believe it ...
mama thought I should get a mani/pedi!
Really??? On my birthday ...
I did get some treats that I really like
so I guess it was okay!
Let's go ... I want some ice cream!
OMP ... it is yummy!
After my nap it was time for my birthday cookie
And presents ...
And now I'm "King Conked-out"!
Love Webster
(Zoe, Peyton, Liberty & Whitney)


  1. What an awesome day. Happy Birthday Webster.

  2. Happy Birthday Webster! Ice cream and cookies?!? That's my kind of celebration.

  3. A big happy birthday to you Webster. Looks like you had a wonderful day.
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  4. Happy Birthday Webster. We are sure you had a great day. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. happy happy birthday! love the crown

    urban hounds

  6. Happy Birthday Webster! Thank goodness for toys and I scream
    Benny & Lily

  7. Happy Birthday! Looks like a wonderful day!

  8. (we always have a bit of a hard time looking at your pictures webster cos you look so much like our brother sammer) well that being said wowzer what a birthday bash!!! All that food and a walk at the park, course your mom had to ruin part of it with the pedi thing...did you tell her you were a boy for goshsakes!!!
    happy happy birthday!!
    stella rose, mags an gussie

  9. Hi Webster!
    Wesa so happy for you that you had such a wonderful 4th birthday. May you have many mores our furiend!!
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums
    George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

  10. Happy happy barkday!! I can't believes you got chicken bites, ice cream, AND a cookie all in one day! What a pawsome birthday.

  11. HAPPY BARKDAY Webster, it looks like it was just Pug-A-lish-is
    Hope you have like 87 hundred more. Man Ice Cream and a big old cookie, WOW and KFC, you must be really special to your peeps.

    The Mad Scots

  12. Happy belated birthday, Webster! You guys really know how to party! And it looks like the weather even cooperated with you so you could go to the park. What a wonderful day. Here's to many more!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday Webster!
    That crown looks fitting. You look like you were king of
    the world on your birthday!

    -Dana, Daisy & Bruce

  14. happy happy gotcha day! you guyd have the best parties every we are so jealous

    urban hounds
