Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy World Pug Day ...

according to Facebook
It also happens to be my birthday!
I am 3 years old.
Did you notice the "candles" on my hat!?!
The pawrents took the day off work
and told me we could do anything I wanted.
WOW ... anything?????
I decided I wanted to go shopping ...
so we went to Terre Haute, IN
First we went to

This is what I got ...
After that we went to
I got these yummy treats ...
 And then we went to ...
I picked out these Kong treats ...
Shopping is exhausting ...
Can we go see grandmaw and grandpaw?
We brought lunch and I got my own box of KFC chicken bites!
Grandmaw made peach cobbler.
I only got once slice of peach with ice cream.
But I ate it so fast mama couldn't even get a picture!
After lunch we walked down to the water ...
Grandmaw cuddled with me
But I really liked hanging out with grandpaw ...
We went for a walk without a leash!
And I got to ride on the Zebra!
(grandpaw's golf cart)
Here I am with the pawrents on the back of the Zebra!
I was so tired ... I needed a nap!
Daddy thought this was funny ...
I was a little too close to my water bowl.
(Notice my tail ... it was in the bowl!) BOL!!!!!
Just before we got home we stopped for ice cream
Mama had to wake me so I could eat it!
And then ... when we got home there was a
package in the mail!
Mama ordered some treats from
Of course, I will have to share all of my treats
with my siblings, but that is okay because
they always share their birthday treats with me.
It was fun turning three ...
Love, Liberty


  1. WOW!!! that looks like a pug's dream birthday come true! a shopping extravaganza! all the treats a pug can eat! AND cuddling with the grandpawrents! such a lucky pug! happy birthday, cutie!

  2. Happy Birthday Liberty!! AND MANY MORE!!
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums
    George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi
    Pee-s: Wesa luvs the icy-crèmes.

    Mimi to Webster: Kisses to you my sweetie pie!!

  3. Happy Birthday Liberty!!! Wow what a totally pawsome day you had. Your pawrents really know how to treat a pug to a good time.
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  4. OH MY PUG LIBERTY you had a fantastic birthday...just fantastic...we loves all your pictures and wowzer the treats and getting to see papa and mawmaw how great was that...and spending the day all by yourself with your momma and daddy! yOu are such a cutie!
    enjoy the rest of your weekend with momma
    stella rose

  5. Oh what a special day!! Happy Birthday sweetie
    Benny & Lily

  6. OMD, what a pawesome birthday! Your pawrents really treat a birthday RIGHT!

  7. Happy Birthday and Happy Pug Day. You got some great stuff!!

    Loveys Sasha
