Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's finally here ...
Webster and Peyton both rented Limos ...
Webster picked up Mimi in this limo
He gave her a token of his love
(some cookies and a stuffie)
Of course, they posed for a picture
Peyton decided to show everyone that he may be older
but he is still a fun guy ...
Check out the limo he rented
He brought Magaret Mae some gifts
(cookies, a stuffie and a charm for her collar)

Liberty rode with Peyton since Maggie's brother
Angus McConnell asked her to the dance.
This is her first date and she didn't know what to do
so she copied her brothers and got Gussie a gift!
(cookies, a stuffie and a tie charm for his collar)
Zoe and Whitney don't have blogville boyfuriends
so they found some cute guys on Facebook!
Zoe met a cute guy named Lenny
And Whitney met a cute guy named Winston
We are all excited to get to the dance
and see all of our blogville furiends ...
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love is in the air!

It's the season of
 (actually that is every day at our house)

The whole gang ...
 Webster wants to thank his sweetheart
 Mimi Roo for the pawsome edible card!
I am looking forward to dancing the night away
with you at the Queen of Hearts Ball ...
Peyton wants to thank his gurlfuriend
Maggie Mae for the ecard!
Can't wait to see you on Friday night!!!
Liberty wants to thank her boyfuriend
Angus McConnell for the ecard!
I'm excited about riding in the police car!
I know you have a job to do but
I'm hoping it won't be all business ...

Zoe and Whitney have dates for the dance, too!
But you're going to have to wait until
Friday to meet them ...
Until next time ...
Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day

We got more snow ...
We're in that 6"-8"+ area and we got about that much snow!
 So that means mama got a Snow Day!
She promised us last night that IF
she didn't have to go to work
she would make us some cookies ...
This isn't all of them ... there is another tray.
It makes about 175 cookies!
 Here is the recipe!
We don't like hard cookies ... so mama only
baked them for 30 minutes instead of 40
AND she doesn't leave them in the oven overnight.
(We can't wait that long!)
We got to go outside for a little while this afternoon ...
The hoodies Santa brought did keep us warm.
But sorry mama ... no group photos today!
We don't like the snow but we love it
when mama gets to stay home with us!
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney