Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day

We got more snow ...
We're in that 6"-8"+ area and we got about that much snow!
 So that means mama got a Snow Day!
She promised us last night that IF
she didn't have to go to work
she would make us some cookies ...
This isn't all of them ... there is another tray.
It makes about 175 cookies!
 Here is the recipe!
We don't like hard cookies ... so mama only
baked them for 30 minutes instead of 40
AND she doesn't leave them in the oven overnight.
(We can't wait that long!)
We got to go outside for a little while this afternoon ...
The hoodies Santa brought did keep us warm.
But sorry mama ... no group photos today!
We don't like the snow but we love it
when mama gets to stay home with us!
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney


  1. OH OH OH our momma is soooo jealous cos hers had to go to work, Dad stayed home wif us today but all that means is naps and more naps...we loved your hoodies, .....and COOKIES....
    stella rose

  2. Of course we were in the 4-6 band and got about 5". I don't know about you guys but I've had enough white stuff! You do look great on those sleds though. Stay warm!

    Love, Gampy

  3. Oh they look do adorable! Glad Santa found my shop!

  4. You guys look awesome, hope they keep you warm!

    The Mad Scots

  5. U guys r lucky mom had to go to work
    Retro rover

  6. Happy Days - your momma got a snow day- and she got to stay home with all of you! And what a wonderful thing to do- make cookies,,! Those cookies look good- we don't see the recipe.. Mommy said she could eat every one of those cookies in a flash! Your all sooo adorable all dressed up and getting ready to race down the hill on your sled! Your jackets are beautiful!

  7. You guys even went sleigh riding. You are well prepared wearing your cool fleece

  8. I love all your different hoodies! What a fun snow day that was.

  9. Hi Websters My Mans!!
    Maybes wesa can go on a sled ride on Valentine's Days togethers.
    Kisses from your girl,
    Mimi Roo

  10. simply adorable. now go back inside and get warm!!!
    wags, bailey unleashed

  11. Oh I have a sled just like you have. Nice to meet you Sweet Liberty, why Gussie talks about you non stop. Glad you have a blog and not just a Google+ page. I cannot leave comments on Google+, they say I am not real. Why I am real I had parents maybe not legitimately married. My Lee refuses to change my name and Google+ won't recognized my name.
    Why what is wrong with Sweet William The Scot.
    Thanks for stopping by
    Sweet William Te Scot
