Monday, May 19, 2014

Blogville Date Day/Night ... Webster & Mimi

It's finally here ...
hosted by our furiend, Sarge!

Where, o where, can I take my gurl
that would be some place special???
The weather is warm, then it's cool ...
so we both wore our Aunty Melissa sweaters
Here is Mimi waiting for me ...
And here I am just before I picked her up ...
We decided to go on a
for two!
I tried to get some of our favorite foods
like ... CHEESE!
And some fruit, too ...
It was such a beautiful day!
After we ate we took a ride on a Gondola
as the sun was setting ...
It was so romantic!
Before the evening ended we took a walk around the lake ...
 We were both sad when the date came to an end!
Love, Webster (& Mimi)
PS ... Make sure you read about Peyton & Maggie's
date that was posted before this one ...

Blogville Date Day/Night ... Peyton & Maggie

A while back I was lucky to win a date
with Miss Maggie Mae
and we've been dating ever since!

Our furiend, Sarge is hosting

I wanted to take Maggie some where special ...

She looked so pretty when I picked her up
First we went out to dinner
We both ordered the same thing ...
As luck would have it ...
The drive-in was having a special showing of
Lady and The Tramp
Maggie was so excited when she saw the Marquee
It was a beautiful night
and the sky was full of stars!
We both made a wish on this shooting star ...
We were wishing the night would never end!
Love, Peyton (and Maggie)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Puggy Play Date

On Saturday we went to Robinson, IL
for a play date ...
Our hostesses were Babby Jo and Princess
(Whitney and Webster knew daddy was handing out treats)
Liberty had fun hanging out with the girls
Princess and Bella
Zoe was chillaxing ...
Peyton made a new furiend ... Harley
He is Princess & Babby Jo's brother
This litle guy is Max
Their oldest brother
Did somebody say treats ...
Daddy is passing out cookies!

But there was also some veggies,
meat and cheese, too!
This 'lil guy with Webster is Bob
While we were there we showed
everyone how easy it is to sit for pictures ...
It must be harder than it looks ...
Mama couldn't get the others to pose
Isn't he handsome!?!
He has two cute sisters
but they refused to pose with him!
The brindle is MoMo's sister, Bella
And the 'lil fawn girl licking mama's hand
is his other sister, Lulu
 Here is an "attempt" to get them to pose
Next time we'll get it!!!
Everyone got a gift ...
Isn't this the cutest 'lil bag!?!
We also got bonus gifts ...
One for coming the furthest (about 85 miles)
and one for the most in one family (5)!
The toy is fun and the treats are yummy!
We like the bubbles ... we tried to eat them!
We're ready to go home ...
Love, Whitney, Zoe, Peyton, Liberty & Webster

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Making Cookies ...

We are attending a puggy play date today
so we helped mama make cookies last night ... 
The recipe is so easy
and these are some of our favorite treats ...

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Treats


2 c all purpose or whole wheat flour
1 c rolled oats
1/3 c peanut butter
1 1/4 c hot water
additional flour for rolling

(Instead of 2 cups of flour we use 1-1/2 cups and then we add 1/2 cup of Golden Flax)


Preheat oven to 350°. Mix together dry ingredients.
Mix in the peanut butter and hot water. You may need to add more flour if the dough is too sticky.
Knead dough well.
Roll the dough into 1/4" thickness and cut into shapes with dog cookie cutters.
Bake on a lightly greased cookie sheet for 40 minutes. Turn off the oven and let them cool overnight.
If you and your dog can't wait that long, cool them completely on a wire rack before serving.
The only thing we do "different" is that we only bake them for 15 minutes and we don't leave them in the oven overnight because we like softer treats.
Mix everything together
Roll it out and cut some shapes
Now they are ready to bake ...
We had to let them cool
and then we tasted them!
They are pug-approved ...
so mama bagged them up and
we are ready to share with our furiends!
Tomorrow we will tell you about our play date ...
Love, Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dear Mimi Roo ...

Have you heard?
Sarge is hosting

My question to you my sweet Mimi Roo is ...
Will you be my date and make me
the happiest guy in Blogville?

Love, Webster

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco de Mayo

Three Señoritas
Liberty, Whitney & Zoe
Taco Peyton, Señor Webster
Señoritas Zoe, Liberty & Whitney
 Let's get this over so we can have a taco ...
Until next time .....
Love, Peyton, Webster, Zoe, Liberty & Whitney