Monday, May 12, 2014

Puggy Play Date

On Saturday we went to Robinson, IL
for a play date ...
Our hostesses were Babby Jo and Princess
(Whitney and Webster knew daddy was handing out treats)
Liberty had fun hanging out with the girls
Princess and Bella
Zoe was chillaxing ...
Peyton made a new furiend ... Harley
He is Princess & Babby Jo's brother
This litle guy is Max
Their oldest brother
Did somebody say treats ...
Daddy is passing out cookies!

But there was also some veggies,
meat and cheese, too!
This 'lil guy with Webster is Bob
While we were there we showed
everyone how easy it is to sit for pictures ...
It must be harder than it looks ...
Mama couldn't get the others to pose
Isn't he handsome!?!
He has two cute sisters
but they refused to pose with him!
The brindle is MoMo's sister, Bella
And the 'lil fawn girl licking mama's hand
is his other sister, Lulu
 Here is an "attempt" to get them to pose
Next time we'll get it!!!
Everyone got a gift ...
Isn't this the cutest 'lil bag!?!
We also got bonus gifts ...
One for coming the furthest (about 85 miles)
and one for the most in one family (5)!
The toy is fun and the treats are yummy!
We like the bubbles ... we tried to eat them!
We're ready to go home ...
Love, Whitney, Zoe, Peyton, Liberty & Webster


  1. We think your momma is the master of pug posing with you guys. Mom has a hard time getting us to pose together.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  2. That looks like a pawesome pug play date :) Milo & Jet

  3. OUR Dad says your mom is a pug witch...a nice one of course, but he thinks she puts u under a special spell and that is why you behave so well when she brings hers camera out, he wants to know if she would consider selling some of her potion to us, momma said if you have time send her a picture of liberty to facebook cos her darn yahoo won't open up today.
    stella rose

  4. That looked like such a great day!

  5. What a fantastic day! Lots of snorting going on. A Frenchie!
    Lily and Edward

  6. Howdy Little Puggie Mates. Wowza and yaahoo what a grreat day. It looked like so much fun. We agree, you are all experts in having your photo taken. Bet you all snoozed the whole way home.
    NO worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  7. how fun! we used to go to a pug meet up but it was so hot last summer it always got cancelled. i love seeing a bunch of pugs running around!

  8. I think there was so much fun going on at your house,, and I would like to come play too!
