Sunday, July 12, 2015

Peyton's Golden Birthday Week

Turning 7 was awesome ...
It was my Golden Birthday ...
I turned 7 on the 7th.
We got to celebrate for 7 days
and I had the time of my life!
Day 1: Sunday, July 5th
Just a walk with the pawrents.
We took our time and I got to pee
on every fire hydrant I saw!
I got some yummy beef jerky.
No picture ... I ate it too fast!
Day 2: Monday, July 6th
We went to the park. I got to swing ...
And run around (it's fenced in)
I also made some friends - Sami & Ashton.
They took me down the slide.
I had a lot of fun!
Day 3: July 7th ... It's my birthday!!!
The celebration started
when the pawrents got home from work!
We took a ride in the car and ordered some pizza.
While we were waiting for our pizza
we went to McD's for ice cream!
Life is short ... eat dessert first!
Then we picked up our pizza and took it home!
I smell bacon, chicken and green peppers ... YUM!
I got a whole piece
Day 4: Wednesday, July 8th
It rained ... So we had "cake" and presents!
I got a t-shirt, some soft treats and
a pup pie "cake" that I shared with my siblings.
With ice cream, of course!
But first we had cheeseburgers that dad grilled.
Mama shared with me which means that she
had a tomato and pickle sandwich
and sweet potato fries (because I didn't want those!)
Day 5: Thursday, July 9
Another walk with the pawrents get some dinner.
We went to Subway (dad and I waited outside)
Then we went to the park and had a picnic.
I got roast beef and cheese
I didn't like the bread
but I ate all of the meat and cheese!
Day 6: Friday, July 10th
It's mama's pay day! We went to the bank.
And then to dinner
Once again, I decided to have dessert first
We had some chicken tenders for dinner
They were so good!
And I made a new friend, Jax
His mama owns the restaurant!
Day 7: Saturday, July 11th
The week ended with a road trip
Where are we going?
WHAT? I'm not sick!  I don't know about this...
OH ... this might be fun!
I got to meet TurboRoo
I'm not sure what kind of dog this is ...
I saw some of my furiends there ...
(I was moving over to make room for her)
It was an exhausting day ...
I had to take a nap!
On the way home we stopped for dinner.
(The pawrents had dinner with 
The Pug Posse's pawrents
while I hung out with them at their house!)
I got some chicken nuggets at Burger King
This was in Browsnsburg ...
across the street from where I met my
pawrents for the very first time 6-1/2 years ago!
I was so tired ... I slept all the way home.
It was an awesome Golden Birthday Week!
I wish it didn't have to end ......
Love, Peyton


  1. What a wonderful, wonderful week!

  2. now that is the way to celebrate a birthday!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  3. Oh Peyton you did have a great week, when it is time for our birfdays we are coming to stay wif your mom .....stella rose

  4. That sounds like an AMAZING barkday week!! What a grreat time.

  5. woah what a fun fun week for Peyton! what more could a pug want??

  6. I am glad you got to celebrate all week!!!
