Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blogville Sadie Hawkins Dance

Dory from Dory's Backyard
was our gracious hostess!

We are ready to dance the night away

Mimi Roo & Webster

Gussie & Liberty

Lily Jane & Jaxzyn

We hope you are having a fun evening ...

Love Webster, Liberty & Jaxzyn


  1. WE are having a great time! You all look wonderful see you on the dance floor!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  2. It was such a fun time! I don't think I saw Gussie and Liberty leave the dance floor ALL NIGHT!

  3. whew Ms. Ellen wesa are all worn out!!!!
    stella rose,

  4. Oh Websters!
    I had soooooo much fun dancing the night away with you.
    Kisses and Pug Snuggles,
    Mimi Roo

  5. Jaxzyn my hunky pug mans,
    I had so much fun hitting the floor and the snack table with you.
    Kisses and a big ol' hug,
    Lily Jayne

  6. Hello, Ellen, Gordon, Whitney and Zoe! It was so wonderful to meet all of you at B.A.R.. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning more about you and your area in Illinois. Thanks again for bringing foodables for everyone and for the pawesome exchange pack of IL goodies. We are so glad to be furiends.
    Lori, Stan, Crabby Girls
    from Sargespeaksout.blogspot
