Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blogville Sadie Hawkins Dance

Dory from Dory's Backyard
was our gracious hostess!

We are ready to dance the night away

Mimi Roo & Webster

Gussie & Liberty

Lily Jane & Jaxzyn

We hope you are having a fun evening ...

Love Webster, Liberty & Jaxzyn

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Great Pumpkin Patch

Whitney & Jaxzyn: Where are we?

Whitney: Oh ... We're at The Great Pumpkin Patch
I've been here before!

We got to ride in a wagon

Jaxzyn: I'd rather walk with mama
Whitney: I'd rather ride in the wagon

Mama likes to take lots of pictures ...

We even saw some scarecrows
but we didn't get too close!

Look how little we are ...

The pumpkin King and Queen

 The Prince and the Princess
Did you see what the pawrents did? BOL

Which way to the pumpkin patch

I think we're almost there ,,,

Jaxzyn in the pumpkin patch

 Daddy & Whitney

Mama & Jaxzyn

Mama even found her way
out of the blonde corn maze ...



We got to check out the school

Look ... the desks are just the right size!

We even saw Noah's Ark

We better get in line ...

And ... we even got some ice cream
Pumpkin Ice Cream ... it was yummy!

It was a fun day at

Love and Kisses
Whitney & Jaxzyn

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pumpkin Ice Cream ...

I got to go run some errands
with the pawrents!

Then we went for ICE CREAM ...

I got to wait in line

Look what we got ...

Is it all mine?  NO???
I had to share with the pawrents!

Here is the kid table

There mums every where!

It was quick but fun spending time
just ME & the pawrents!

Love, Zoe

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It's my birthday ... or is it???

Since the pawrents found me at the local shelter
no one really knows my actual birthday.
Lucky for me, my pawrents picked a day
to celebrate ME ... in addition to my Gotcha Day!
And that day just happens to be today ...

I am 6 years old!

I got a fun adventure on Sunday.

First we went to a Pet Fair
but mama forgot to take pictures.
We had to buy food and some treats.
And we got lots of FREE samples, too!

After that we went to the Arboretum at the U of I.

It was a lot of walking but it was so pretty

The Japan House was also there.

I wasn't allowed in the garden area
but this was outside that space ...

 After we left the Arboretum we went and got some food.

We went to another park for lunch

The pawrents decided on chicken
but couldn't agree ... so I got chicken nuggets
AND some chicken tenders, too!

 After lunch we went for another walk

And I got to swing, too!

 Then we went shopping ...
I got the pink shirt but not the bones ...

I didn't get the hat/wig, either

I picked up some treats at TJ Maxx

And we got some ice cream
before we went home.

I was so tired ... daddy had to carry me inside! 

 I was trying to sleep ...
but mama was having too much fun!

 Today daddy grilled some hotdogs.
And then it was time for cake and ice cream!

Mama bought me some Princess cupcakes!

Hey Giraffe ... want some cake and ice cream?

Now comes the fun part ...
a slumber party with my sisters!

Love, Whitney