Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tutu Cute

Our mama is slightly silly
just look at the crazy outfits ...

They were made to match our puppia harnesses

We totally blame Mia ...
Mama fell in love with her tutu when we met her last summer!

But don't get jealous ...

Pug Hugs, Zoe & Liberty

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A nice surprise

Dad thought Mama bought us more treats
when he found a box on the porch this afternoon.

Mama didn't even look at the label ...
She ordered something for the girls
and was excited because she thought that's what it was.
So even Mama was surprised to find all of these treats ...
We're pretty sure this is every kind of treat

"Are all of these for me????"
Liberty asked

"Will you share with me?"
Zoe asked Liberty

"I think their ALL MINE ..."
Peyton said

"Why don't we just share them ..."
everyone agreed!

Look at our cookie jar ...
it's almost full!

And this was after mama let us have one of each treat!
We can't decide which one is our favorite ...

Thank you ... Southern Fried Pugs
Tallulah, Petunia, Isabelle
and their mama, Allyzabethe!
We love you!!!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Saturday, January 21, 2012

1000 Pugs

We're sure everyone has heard about this pawsome project
but if not you can read all about it here ...

We are excited that we will be 4 of the 1000 pugs!!!
Mama was able to get us signed up this week.
We even get to go to Milwaukee, WI in May.
While we are there we are going to attend
the annual Milwaukee Pug Fest!

We hope we get to meet him!
Puglet's mama, Amanda, will be taking our picture!

In Milwaukee we hope we get the chance to meet a lot of
the friends we have made these past few months!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mama's day off ...

We were excited ... mama has a day off work!
But the "excitement" didn't last long ...
Mama said were were stinky puggers
and you know what that means ...
YUP ... bathtime
Mama promised us a Greenie so it was worth it!




We also got our ears cleaned out ... yuck!

But it doesn't end there - oh no ...

When Dad got home from work we went for a ride.
We love to go for a ride ...

Until we saw where we were going ...

We are NOT fans of Petsmart!
And this is why ...

Liberty ...
at least I didn't poop on the table ... this time!

Zoe ...
excuse me ... is this how you treat a princess???

am I done, yet?

I hate this ...

Isn't this child abuse???
We're pretty sure it is!

For all of the torture today we got a special treat ...

Arby's Jr. Roast Beef sandwiches ...
oh so yummy!

Until next time ... stay dry!
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's my GOTCHA day *updated with photos*

Today is a very special day ...
it was 3 years ago today that I got
  a brand new family

Here I am with my new mama, sister and dad
3 years ago!

Dad saw an ad online (Indianapolis Star)
and told mama that Zoe needed a baby
brother. Her birthday was 2 days ago
and a baby brother would be a great present!
So mama called and left a message.
There was another ad so mama called
that one, too, and left a message.
She was thinking that whichever one
called first would be THE ONE!
Well ... the other one called back first.
So they were about an hour from home
on their way to get that other baby.
Then my "other mama" called back.
My soon-to-be new mama was so excited!
She called the other one back
and told them she changed her mind
and they came to get me.
I was in Brownsburg, IN.
My name was Harley Davidson.
And I was 6 months old.
My new name was going to be Zeus
but since I was close to Indy ...
mama decided that Peyton would be the
perfect name! And she's right ...
I love my name!
To celebrate our special day
we went for a drive ... to McDonald's.
I love, love, love McD's!!!
I got my own ice cream cone

And I got a Happy Meal

with Chicken McNuggets and apple slices
I even got a McDouble!
Check out my new hoodie

And I got a new monkey
And some awesome peanut butter cookies
The best part is my awesome forever family
even though I have to admit that I love trips
to McD's when it's just mom, dad and me!!!
Until next time ...Peyton

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Princess Zoe LuvPug

Today is my 4th Birthday
I'm thinking ... cupcakes!!!

I had an awesome party with my siblings,
pawrents and our human cousin, Jennifer,
and her 'lil girls - Macy (2-1/2) & Cadence (5).

I got a new collar with lots of bling on it.
I also got a new ID tag and a couple of charms.
One is a Zodiac and the other is a
crown with red stones on it.
(Silly mama - she got the wrong Zodiac charm
but she promised she would get me the right one tomorrow!)

My cousins got me a giraffe and some treats

Guess what ... we had cupcakes!!!

I really wanted one like the humans ate
but mama wouldn't let me because
they were chocolate.

So instead we had some cupcakes
that mama made for us.
She tried to make them as pretty as theirs
but yogurt is more runny than icing.
We didn't care ... they were yummy!!!

Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me ...

Wanna know the best part? I got to totally blow the diet.
No kibble for me today! YAY!!!
Yesterday Mom and Dad ate lunch at Red Lobster
and they saved some of their chicken for me.
It was so yummy ... I got some for breakfast
and I get more for dinner tonight!

Here us a flashback of my previous birthdays ...

2011 - 3rd Birthday

2010 - 2nd Birthday

2009 - 1st Birthday

Thanks for sharing my birthday with me ...
Love, Zoe

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Liberty & Peyton

Zoe & Webster

Comfy ...
but not very lady-like!

Until next time ... Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty