Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Gotcha Day, Lady Liberty LuvPug

 Today is my "Gotcha Day"
Two years ago I met mama and daddy
and we fell in love! 
Look how little I was back then ...
On Sunday mama, daddy and I took a drive.
I don't really like riding in the car but they said it would be fun.
We went to Mattoon ... I've never been there!
They have a Petsmart
so we did a little shopping
I got some treats but after reading Puglet's Blog today
I don't think I'm going to get any more of these treats!
I love them but mama said it's not worth it.
We also got to go out for lunch.
I NEVER GET LUNCH so that was a great treat.
We went to Sonic
I placed an order for popcorn chicken.
Mama and daddy got some chicken sandwiches.
And cheesecake bites ... they were pretty tasty
even if I only got a couple of small bites!
Would you believe they had a girl bring it out to the car!?!
I've never been to Sonic but I can't wait to go again!
Since it's raining today, my actual Gotcha Day, we stayed home.
Daddy cooked salmon for dinner and I got some!
It was really good!
And thanks to our furiends at Urban Hounds and their post today
mama made these great pumpkin peanut butter muffins
when she got home from work ...
She made them a little smaller so that there are 15 muffins
(That means muffins THREE DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!)
I got some presents, too!
I don't really like clothes but pink is my color, don't you think!?!
I like my busy buddy bouncy bone.
I really LOVE it when these rawhide treats are on it!
AND check out the size of this bully stick - 36"!
Dad is going to cut it into 5 pieces
and he promised mine would be the biggest!!!!!
I think I'm pretty lucky!
Love, Liberty


  1. Happy Gotcha Day! OMP Mom saw the bully stick picture and freaked how big it was just for you...then she read the caption split into 5...ok makes sense. Still it would be hilarious if you tried to chew on that big old thing!!!

  2. Happy Gotcha Day Liberty! AND MANY MORE!! Wowsers! When wesa saw that 36" bully stick, wesa were for sure thinkin' that yousa hit the motherload!! Even when sharing with sibs, thats still a decent chewy. ;)
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums
    George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

  3. Happy Gotcha Day, little girl! Maybe Tallulah needs one of those giant bully sticks so she can't swallow it whole! That's a super cute little shirt, too!

  4. What a wonderful gotcha day celebration for you Liberty!!
    Hope you have many more!!

    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  5. Woooo Liberty at first i thought your mom and dad just went out in the yard and picked up a big ole stick for your birthday (well my robot mom thought that not me) and then i read it is a bully stick...holey moley that is what sammer and i need..that way he can't steal it as easily! Your gotcha day looked like lots of fun mostly sonic chicken..yum yum!!!! I like your pink shirt with the wings on it!!! You were a sweet little puppy and now look how beautiful you are now!
    Stella Rose and family

  6. I love your print shirt!!! You had such a wonderful day and have such great parents!!! Lucky little girl!

  7. Heck of a Gotcha day Miss Liberty! Whew, that bully stick is mesmerizing. Pink is definitely your color!

  8. Happy Gatcha day ! Yes, pink is for sure your color.
    Have fun, cutie~

  9. Liberty, I can't get past the size of that bully stick to comment much more than HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!

  10. happy gotcha day! my girls love it when we go to sonic! they get to bark at the girl who comes out to the car!

  11. Happy Gotcha Day Liberty!! I'm Freckles, I saw you on the Holiday card list, so I thought I would stop by and say "Hello!!" :-D That bully stick is ginormous!!!

  12. Love your blog and HAPPY GOTCHA DAY! Pugs are so special and someday, I will have a rescue....

  13. A slightly belated happy Gotcha Day!! It looks like you had a pawsome time. Momma and I go to Sonic as our special treat sometimes. I usually get a junior cheeseburger, but maybe I'll try that popcorn chicken sometime. It combines two of my favorite things -- popcorn and chicken. BOL!

  14. Happy Gotcha Day, Liberty! Thank you for your e-card in the e-mail, we are so happy to meet you!

    Elyse and Riley

  15. We would love to send a Christmas Card to you guys. Can you send your address to us pugranch2 at msn dot com

    Bailey, Hazel & Greta
