Wednesday, November 21, 2012

RIP Sammer

We lost another furiend last night ...

Sam (Stella's 'lil brother) passed away

RIP Sammer (09/07/10 - 11/20/12)
You will be missed!!!!!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney


  1. We just were over at stellas'. Sad and tragic. We feel for them.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Just saw this too. So very sad! Too many sad things happening for sure!

  3. I am so sad about this too. I left some love over at their site. I will sit beside you as we send healing wishes to them,

  4. Hi to all our new Pug friends In Central Illinois.
    We just loved your Christmas card and have bookmarked your blog so we can get to know you
    Hugs Madi and Mom

    We left a word over at Sammer's blog and were so sorry to read about his passing...losing friends is so hard

  5. Sorry about the lost of your furiend, any of our blogger family is a lost to us also.

    Just got your Christmas E-Mail card, thats funny. So glad to meet you guys. We have only been blogging since April, and we have got into lots of stuff in blogville, the Christmas card exchange was some work cause we had to lick em closed. We are now a follower, so come by and visit, we love having comments.

    You New Furiends
    Susie & Sidebite

  6. Oh, we are so sorry that Sam went to the rainbow bridge. It is always hard to lose love like that! We received your card, thank you. We are glad you put your greeting in the subject line so we knew it was not spam! We have received a bunch of cards and our pawrents have received ZERO! It is our first year too cuz we are still young pups.

    Your Pals On A Quest For Santa Paws,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Hi. Thanks for sending us your Christmas card. Those ladies and gents look gorgeous. Ours are partially out... the postal office lady was overwhelmed that she had us stamp some of them. ^^

    We're sorry about your friend. We will drop by their blog.

    It's nice to meet you. Like Susie and Sidebite, we're now a follower. LOL. Hope you could drop by our bloggy too.

    Huggies and Cheese,

    Haopee of

  8. We Beaglebratz also got your e-card - thank u furry much. It wuz quite nice tue c that in our inbox instead of all the sale adz mom haz sent tue us. An'yes - it wuz furry much ok tue due it that way - the address list iz quite x-tensive this year. This iz only our 2nd year tue due it - so much fun!

    Thank u fur the newz 'boutz Sammer - we stopped by their blog - that wuz so tragic how it happened. We will b follow-in u now butt may haf tue due it frum our blog roll since blogger sez we follow tue many blogz now.
    We Beaglebratz need tue go now an'take our mid-mornin'napz-
    mom iz at werk so we git tue nap alot.
    Shiloh'n The Diva Shasta

  9. What a luverly tribute to Sammer, he will missed so much. And our hearts are so heavy fur his family...we loves them bunches.

    I adored your Christmas foto you emailed. But nows I is gonna has to act all right fur my shoot...hehehe.
    And I has a sissy named Whitney too.

  10. We just visited them. Your tribute is beautiful.
