Mama told us we were going camping ...
We have never been but she promised it would be fun.
Dad drove us there
Here is Zoe with Mama
Peyton kept Liberty safe ...
this is her first trip
And Webster ... isn't he adorable!
To get to our grandpawrents we had to ...
go over the river
The Wabash River
and through the woods
Greene/Sullivan Counties Forest Preserve
We finally made it ...
Here we are with Dad
Zoe, Liberty, Webster and Peyton
And here we are with Mom
Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty
Meet our grandpawrents ...
Billl & Ruth Cunningham
They are mama's mom and step-dad
Here is our grandpawrents' camper
This is where we slept ...
Grandpaw made a fire ...
Dad cooked us some hotdogs ...
They were yummy ...
We took some long walks

Here is the whole family.
(Some of us weren't paying attention.)
We walked too far ...
Zoe wanted to be carried.
(Her Daddy always gives in.)
We spent a lot of time sitting around the fire
You can't see Zoe next to Dad
Here she is with Peyton
Mama let us taste some smores.
It was good but she only let us have one bite!
The storms moved in and it rained ALL night.
None of us slept very well.
And the next day was horrible ...
there was mud everywhere.
For some reason we kept getting stuck HERE ...
Peyton, Zoe, Liberty and Webster
Liberty and Webster
During the storm Mama promised we would never do this again.
But the next day I heard her saying we would be going to a hog roast
in September IF the weather is good. Uh-oh!
Pug Hugs, Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty